Child Safety Posters

A single pictures speaks more than a thousand words. In this page, we have compiled for you all the pictures & posters related to child sexual abuse classified into different categories. The  posters provide comprehensive knowledge about child abuse.

It can be used to spread awareness about the topic. Parents and teachers can use these posters to teach broad aspects of the subject. We also recommend sharing these posters appropriately with the children to acquaint them with the topic.

There is a small description provided for each picture. Double click if you want to see the full image. You can also download the posters by right clicking and select the download option. You are free to use these posters but don’t forget to mention the source quoted in each poster.

Child Rights Posters

Children’s rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. Children’s rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child’s civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child’s race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, color, ethnicity, or other characteristics. (source: wikipedia)

Online Safety Posters

From entrepreneurship to making social change – the internet has given children an early window to make their mark on the world. The Internet is neither just “an innovation for good” nor “an instrument of evil” or even “just a tool”. Learning about using it safely and securely yourself and teaching your children about it is the first step towards enabling them to avoid the risks.

Personal Safety

Safety begins with the self. Imparting personal safety skills to children helps them become self-aware and empower them to protect themselves.

Posters in Hindi & Regional Languages

In this section, you can find related to child sexual abuse & child rights in Hindi and other regional languages.

Posters on The Male Child

One of the most pervasive myths around child sexual abuse is that the victims of child sexual offences are girls. More than one study has shown that boys are as vulnerable to abuse as girls, if not more.

Posters with Quotes

Quotes can inspire and illuminate. And they lend themselves to the internet. Like & Share.

Statistics on Child Sexual Abuse

Without data, it is just opinion. Posters with Statistical Data on Child Sexual Abuse.

Supporting Disclosure

What if someone you know or love has been sexually abused? What should you do? These posters list down steps to follow if someone you know discloses you about the abuse. It also recommends ways to supports the victims of the abuse.

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