Children & Young People in India on The Internet: Launching the Ideal Internet Report 2019 – 20

The question still remains – “What does it take to build a better future for all children?” Featuring ever more prominently in the answers is the role of internet & tech, as it manifests in the form of problems, panaceas or just as presence.

In 2019, we spoke to 155 children & young people across 6 Indian cities. While they came from diverse backgrounds, there was an attempt to focus on those who belonged to marginalized communities. We asked them about their relationship with technology & the internet. What it meant to belong to virtual spaces? How did everyday reality shape their online behavior? What made them feel unsafe? What made them feel good?… The accounts they gave were fascinating, delightful, absurd, inspiring, sometimes terrifying and always insightful.

What emerged through their voices was a picture of online young Indian life that continues to be influenced by on-ground economic, social and personal forces. Where fault-lines of gender, class, caste & religion determine quality of (virtual) life and experience.

Even as the past doesn’t give away easy, the report chronicles how children & young people used online spaces as a conduit to break away from it or negotiate with it. They felt enabled, but also confused, excited but also dulled, free but also lost. And even in midst of such diversity and paradox, almost all of them singularly believed that they could be better served by it.

At this moment, we are actively building a world where internet & tech will become more ubiquitous. How do we ensure that of all possible futures, this is indeed going to one of those bright tomorrows for all children? And before others chime in, would be a fair first step to ask the children – “what is your idea of the ideal internet?”

Click here to download a full copy of the Ideal Internet Report

Click here for a quicker read of essential findings and other highlights


Introducing RATI


Previously… we had announced that The Aarambh India Initiative was transitioning into a separate entity. And now… we are happy to announce that this entity has a name, a team, a few projects and some new openings with which we are looking to expand the team.

The Aarambh India Initiative is now a program of the RATI Foundation. RATI (Rights. Action. Technology. Inclusion.) intends to “build & leverage services, knowledge, technology & community resources to help children and young people overcome vulnerabilities & resist overcome violence.” We are still based out of Mumbai.

Uma & Sid continue to be associated and we are joined by a familiar face and two new ones. Advocate Persis Sidhva is a now a director at RATI and leads our new intervention to provide legal services to victims of sexual violence and other children at risk. And we welcome Pallavi & Sameer who have joined us for a fresh round of the Ideal Internet Research. You can read all about them on our updated about page(rest of the website pending updation soon)

And lastly, we are looking for social workers, counselors, tech support & a project manager to join us. JDs are available at this link. If you know anyone who seems like a good fit, do ask them to apply at

That’s all the progress on that for now. Thank you, do stay safe and hope to see you soon.


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