UNCRC: 25 Facts on the last 25 Years

          The United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the foundation document which kick-started the conversation around dignity and rights of children everywhere in the world. It called upon nations and state heads across the world to unite and work for the safety and betterment of our children’s...

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Muskaan: Leading The Campaign Against Child Sexual Abuse in Pune

Since 2000, Muskaan has been working in and around Pune with children and adults across a wide spectrum of families, communities, institutions and government agencies to campaign and create awareness about the issue of child sexual abuse. What started as a collective campaign by concerned individuals and organizations to address a complex issue has now...

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This Too Shall Pass: An Open Letter to a Young Survivor

One more rape in India – This time a 6 year old girl, in a well known school in Bangalore.  Dear child, These are tough times for you and your family. Perhaps you won’t be able to understand what is going around you. But let me tell you this too shall pass, everything does.

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We Need to Look Within

 Child Protection & NGOs in India by Uma Subramanian                         Case 1: “Our organization works on Women’s issues is there a need for a child protection policy?” Case 2: “We have recreational centre for children. Our staff is experienced and trained in child rights,...

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