Aarambh Podcast 01- Asexuality and Children

What is Asexuality?
Can Children be Asexual?
How can Parents have a conversation about Asexuality to children?
Listen to this podcast where we try to explore these questions & more with Dr. Pragati Singh. Pragati is the founder of Indian Aces- on online collective for the Indian asexual community. Her work been recognized by governments of India & Sweden and she was featured in the BBC’s list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world for 2019.
In this podcast, Pragati shares her experience of working with the Indian asexual community, how children struggle to navigate their asexuality and what parents can do if their child comes out to them as asexual.
To know more about Pragati’s work, follow the Indian Aces Facebook page here.
About the Sex +ve Podcast Series
In our 1st ever podcast series we are talking about sex-positivity- taking a practical and informative approach of looking at issues around sexuality and how we talk about it.
A big aspect of preventing sexual abuse against children is helping children come to terms with their sexualities and sexual health. As adults, we need to help the children overcome their confusions and fears and provide them with safer and healthier childhoods.Parents & care-givers struggle to initiate or engage in these conversations. The Sex +ve Podcast hopes to help them with the information and skills to bridge that gap.