POCSO On The Ground. Round 2.

On 11th May 2015, the first POCSO on the Ground (POTG) – an evidence based examination of the implementation of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012 was held. The platform brought together a group consisting of social workers, child rights activists, lawyers, doctors, counselors and other members from civil society from across sectors...

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[Nov 2] The Catalog: Castration, Online Safety, Children in Court & More

Hello. A lot of what got discussed this week in child safety was about considering castration as a form of equitable justice in cases of sexual offences. Also, a very safe, sanitary but nonetheless fascinating sounding research on Indian teenagers in Online spaces was released. With Melinda Gates and the Lancet Journal pulling up the Indian government, we also spoke about domestic abuse,...

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[POCSO On The Ground] Round 2: Presentation By The Working Groups

The first ever POCSO On The Ground – an Evidence Based Discussion on the POCSO law came to a close with the formation of three working group on 1) Rehabilitation 2) Uniformity in Health Systems & 3) Mandatory Reporting and Age of Consent. Over the past 6 months, all three groups have been meeting and deliberating on their chosen subject in the context of POCSO. On 30th...

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A Child Friendly Satara

The First Line of Child Protection This is Dhanaji Khupkar. He is 30. He’s a Masters in Social Work from Bharatiya Vidyapeeth, Pune. He’s always been passionate about giving back to society, he’s driven about making a difference. He is one among the first line of young professional social workers in every district across the nation who...

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[23rd Oct ’15] The Catalog (Vol.3): Hanging Juveniles & Pedophile Culture

A Very Happy Dussehra to everyone. We wish you prosperity, piety and peace. This week in child safety was all about dystopian political stances, more children losing their lives in conflicts, institutional abuse within aid organizations, the rise of ‘pedophile’ culture and much more. We would like to thank the Feminist Current & Tanushree Sahay for their contributions to this edition. #Quote of the...

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