A single pictures speaks more than a thousand words. In this page, we have compiled for you all the pictures & posters related to child sexual abuse classified into different categories. The posters provide comprehensive knowledge about child abuse.
It can be used to spread awareness about the topic. Parents and teachers can use these posters to teach broad aspects of the subject. We also recommend sharing these posters appropriately with the children to acquaint them with the topic.
There is a small description provided for each picture. Double click if you want to see the full image. You can also download the posters by right clicking and select the download option. You are free to use these posters but don’t forget to mention the source quoted in each poster.
Child Rights Posters
Children’s rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors. Children’s rights includes their right to association with both parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for physical protection, food, universal state-paid education, health care, and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child, equal protection of the child’s civil rights, and freedom from discrimination on the basis of the child’s race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability, color, ethnicity, or other characteristics. (source: wikipedia)
Things to keep in mind while recording a child's statement.
Danger of sexual abuse by an insider or outsider member of the institution.
Steps you need to follow after learning about sexual abuse in an institution.
Aggravated offences under POCSO act- 1
Aggravated offences under POCSO act - 2
10 reasons why you should report child sexual abuse images online.
Checklist for child protection.
Sexual abuse can be committed even without touching. See the image to know more.
If you're not reporting child abuse, then what are you doing for world?
Report child sexual abuse images and videos.
We need a whole community to protect a child.
Pledge to build a safe country for our children.
Don't let light of our country's future dim. Protect the children.
It is every adult's responsibility to safeguard the children of our country.
Prevention and response of child sexual abuse in India.
Child sexual abuse prevention and response by UNICEF
Different types of child abuse.
Raise your voice against child abuse! Source: Childline
Child marriage too, is a form of child sexual abuse. Source: Childline
Not every lost child is fortunate enough to get back home. Source: childline
This picture demonstrates that child labor still exists. Source: childline
Labors at 13 years of age. Fair world? Source: Childline
You say this is inhuman, and the world should do something about it. Why don't we start with you? Source: Childline
Neglecting education and equal opportunity is also a contempt to child abuse.
This picture affirms the wretched conditions of poor and homeless kids. Source: Childline
Marian Wright Edelman on standing up for child abuse
A graphic depiction on childlabour, physical and verbal abuse. Source: childline
This picture asks you to fight against horrific child sexual abuse & prostitution. Source: childline
An unpleasant reality of child abuse. Source: childline
A heart breaking picture of abandoned newborn, Your support can get them a shelter. Source: childline
Not every kid has the privilege you had when you were 13, but you can contribute. Source: childline.
Right to education is also a child right.
The picture illustrates anguished life of kids suffering from poverty.
Source: childline
The girl in this image talks about how her own grandfather sexually abused her.
Source: childline
A drawing on right to education.
Nelson Mandela on protection of children and their childhood. Source: childline
Right of every child to feel safe. Protect a child. Source: Aangan
A victim's mother talking about the symptoms of child sexual abuse. Source: Aangan
Missing children between 200 and 2014. Source: Aangan
The picture highlights the concern when kids avoid to go to school.
Guidelines by Maharashtra state to prevent victimization of children.
Positive cycle of behaviors by adult to offer kids with a happy and secure life.
Online Safety Posters
From entrepreneurship to making social change – the internet has given children an early window to make their mark on the world. The Internet is neither just “an innovation for good” nor “an instrument of evil” or even “just a tool”. Learning about using it safely and securely yourself and teaching your children about it is the first step towards enabling them to avoid the risks.
Safety measures to apply while using facebook.
Safety measures to apply while using whatsapp.
Safety tips to keep in mind while using instagram.
Safety rules to follow while using snapchat
For the safety of your mobile wallet.
Think before you post.= online.
Tejaswini's intimate pictures were leaked online but you must know why it wasn't her fault.
It is your duty to report child explicit picture online as soon as you see. Be like Bill.
Things to watch before to protect your kids you post selfies with them.
The picture mirrors how the online predators target their victim online. Source: clipartzone
Do's and don'ts of the online world.
Children are compelled to notify a trusted adult if a stranger tries to contact them online. Source: clipartzone
Teach this SMART formula to your kids before introducing them to the online world.
To be cyber smart is to be safe while using the internet. Source: themiddleschoolcouncellor
The picture suggests you to guide your kids of the dreadful aftermath they might face by chatting to a stranger online.
Juliet shares her location and Romeo comes running for her. As a parent, do you know this?
This picture instructs 10 things you should not give out online. Obligatory for kids.
Source: visualistan
The picture lists down five rules kids must adhere to for their own safety. Source: schooljotter.com
5 simple techniques online predators use to target their victim.
Clicking, uploading, and sharing someone else's picture is an offense. Source: Bodhini
An awareness about cyber bullying. Source: Bodhini
An info-graphic depicting extensive online safety rules. Source: Bodhini
A shrewd clipart demonstrating an online predator stalking a teenager. Source: Clipartzone
This is an infographic on ratio of the predators and victims online. Source: Uknowkids.com
The picture interprets how effortlessly can someone lie online. Source: pinterest
An illuminating info-graphic describing safety measures on various social media platforms.
A picture expressing that kids won't know its unsafe unless you acquaint them about it.
The picture shares the tools online predators practice to target kids. Source: Slideplayer.com
Internet safety permit for kids. Source: schooljotter.
In this picture, Bodhini convey the importance of strong password for one's own security.
Meet the 3 types of predators online. Source: technofaq
For a responsible digital citizen. Source: Technologyrocksseriously.com
This poster conveys that everything done on Internet can be perceived, used against you, mislead or embarrass you and there is no way out.
Be careful for what you do online. It can be used against you.
Personal Safety
Safety begins with the self. Imparting personal safety skills to children helps them become self-aware and empower them to protect themselves.
Children first - 4 safety tips to protect your kid from child sexual abuse.
Spider man giving tips to prevent child abuse!
Spider man talking about the abuse.
Spider man on being sexually abused.
Ensure your child that they could talk to you and YOU WILL LISTEN.
Ask your child to play in a public place to keep them safe. Source: Arpan
It is important to teach your child correct name of their private parts to ensure their safety. Source: Arpan
Teach your child that it is okay to say "no" to protect them from child sexual abuse. Source: Arpan
To teach your kids to never give into threats. Source: Bodhini
On keeping secrets from parents. Source: Bodhini
The No-Go-Tell concept. Source: Bodhini
A useful picture to teach to your kids about the touch.
Some valuable body safety rules to teach your kids. Source: towardsharmony.wordpress.com
This picture outlines 9 smart body safety rules for kids to learn. Source: hindufinal
A poem encouraging parents to talk to their kids about sex. Source: mamabeareffect.
Who is a stranger?
5 resourceful body safety rules to armor your kids.
The right term to be used for the type of touch.
A brief insight on a safe and unsafe touch. Source: childline
5 tips by TheMamaBearEffect on body safety and protecting your child from sexual abuse.
Touching rules every kid should know. Source: Tulir
Smart ways to be safe. Source: Tulir
Some beneficial tips for parents to keep their children safe. Source: Arpan
This picture in detail recounts how the trafficker targets his victim. Source: themamabeareffect.
Body safety rules to teach your 1-3 years old kid. Source: Themamabeareffect
Body Safety Rules every kid should know by the age of 5. Source: mamabeareffect
The "never"and "always" kids should apply in everyday life for safety.
What to do when someone threatens your body safety rules? source: themamabeareffect
It is okay to say "no" and "stop" if something makes you uncomfortable. See the image for detailed description. Source: themamabeareffect
The "safe"surprise. Source: themamabeareffect.
A poem to encourage your kid to talk about the abuse. Source: themamabearefffect
A beneficial picture to explain the 'Icky feeling' to your kids. Source: themamabeareffect.
To keep no secrets!
The bad touch
The picture is helpful for little kids to know when is it okay for someone to touch their private parts.
8 hand-written body safety rules for kids to safeguard them from child sexual abuse.
Not even your closest relative is allowed to touch your private parts. Source: themamabeareffect.
A sketch by a school teacher on when is it fine to touch your private parts for a good reason
An useful tip by themamabeareffect to protect your child from sexual abuse.
Safety advice for teens. Source: ARZ
Things to remember before talking too your kids about child sexual abuse.
Posters in Hindi & Regional Languages
In this section, you can find related to child sexual abuse & child rights in Hindi and other regional languages.
Pocso explained in marathi
Care institutions for child (in Marathi)
Institutions child may confide to about abuse explained in Marathi.
Keep no secrets! (Marathi) Source: Tulir
Smart ways to keep yourself safe in Tamil. Source: Tulir
Safety rules for kids in Hindi. Source: Hindi
Smart rules you need to teach your children to keep them safe. Source: Tulir
9 body safety rules to keep yourself safe (Tamil)
Touching rules for kids in Tamil. Source: Tulir
Touching rules for children in Hindi. Source: Tulir
A short poem on child marriage in Rajasthani
Awareness of physical abuse of children in Hindi.
Online safety tips in Bengali.
A hindi poem reflecting sexual assault of children in our country(India). Source: posterwomen
A soul stirring Hindi poem on child sexual abuse.
Rights of children written by hand in Hindi
The picture talks about prohibition of selling or buying a person for prostitution. (Marathi)
Source: ARZ
A hindi quote demanding your attention for protection of child trafficking.
Fight against child labor (hindi). Source: Gyanipandit
Definition and prevention of child sexual abuse in Hindi.
Posters on The Male Child
One of the most pervasive myths around child sexual abuse is that the victims of child sexual offences are girls. More than one study has shown that boys are as vulnerable to abuse as girls, if not more.
Boys are as vulnerable as to sexual abuse, if not more.
This picture transmits a study which examined child sexual abuse among men who have sex with boys in various states of India. Source: Times of India
This picture communicates percentage of sexual abuse among boys in different cities of India and a short report on them. Source: Times of India.
Mike Lew on society's neglection towards sexual abuse with boys.
Let's talk about men being sexually abused in their childhood. Source: livingwell
Daily affirmations for male survivors. Source: malesurvivors.org
Men and boys being targeted for cyber bullying and blackmail. Source: Bodhini
Women too, sexually abuse. Source: Arpan
Don't teach your kids that "boys don't cry".
Posters with Quotes
Quotes can inspire and illuminate. And they lend themselves to the internet. Like & Share.
Myth Vs fact of child sexual abuse.
Child pornography is a CRIME
Fyodover Dostoveki on the significance of protecting the children. Source: quotemaster.org
Maurice Sendak on neglecting the children by a country. Source: Quoteaddicts
Nelson Mandela on safety and security of children.
Words by Anne Frank to help you take a step to improve this world.
Few supportive lines on the courage to heal by Laura Davis & Ellen Bass.
William Martin on bringing up the kids.
Laura Davis on the struggles of a victim in their adult relationships. Source:facebook/traumaanddissociation
A poem by Alice Miller on the abused child. Source:facebook/traumaanddissociation
A quote on recovery of the abuse by Grace Ciszkowsi.
- To those who abuse, to those whi protect them and to those remain silent about it by Flora Jessop.
Just one word. Just one person. Is all you need to stand up against the wrong.
Children don't deserve it either.
In this picture, Janina Fisher writes about how the abandonment and betrayal suffered by an abused child could be treated by love.
Pedophiles don't retire. We need to put an end to them.
The 'touch and don't tell game'of the friendly neighbor.
This picture talks about psychiatric disorders faced by the victims of child sexual abuse.
Know when it is enough.
Why is it important to build up a child?
3 stages of recovery.
A gripping quote on people who try to bury the crime.
A powerful message by a teacher on bullying.
If you have faced it as a child.
Listen to your child.
This is a quote on the vulnerability of the wounded children.
This picture provides with all the answers to "why don't kids tell?"
To take a stand explained in simple math.
This picture talks about adult life and relationships struggles of the victims.
A heart touching poem by Woody Haiken on wounded children.
A positive poem on child sexual abuse. Source: magicalgraphics
A quote on survivors by Patricia Buddey.
To heal is to live again.
Nelson Mandela on protection of children and their childhood. Source: childline
Statistics on Child Sexual Abuse
Without data, it is just opinion. Posters with Statistical Data on Child Sexual Abuse.
Discussed cyber crime in India. Source: Intel
Top concerns of parents relating to cyber crime. Source: Intel
Top 4 motives children have to learn cyber skills. Source: Intel
Cyber trust and conversation between Indian parents and children. Source: Intel
A statistical picture which broadly specifies the characteristics of an abuser.
A data on sexual contact between young people in India.
According to the picture, most of the abusers are someone the child trusts
According to the national study on child abuse 47% girls & 53% boys in India were abused in the year 2007. Source: Arpan
A helpful statistical report on reporting of child sexual abuse.
The picture spefies the ratio of boys and girls experiencing child sexual abuse before they turn 18. Source: Satyamev Jayate
The picture explicits comprehensive data structure of the victims, abusers and supporters.
Reported rapes of minor in 2013 in India. Source: NCRB
The data provided in this picture says that majority of child sexual abuse victims know their abusers.
This diagram demonstrates that maximum of abusers are family members, followed by family friends and strangers in the end. Source: Instacheckmate.
Child sexual abuse in India. Source: Muskaan
Supporting Disclosure
What if someone you know or love has been sexually abused? What should you do? These posters list down steps to follow if someone you know discloses you about the abuse. It also recommends ways to supports the victims of the abuse.
Do's & Don'ts if a child discloses abuse.
The picture is helpful for dealing with kids when they disclose abuse.
Thing you need to know about sexual abuse injuries.
Maintain the trust in your relationship so that they can easily open up about the abuse to you.
"I believe you"is what they want to hear.
Make them believe that its not their fault.
The picture helps you understand the fears victims face.
1. Search the mentioned words in the picture.
2. Now search for them in your life. Source:facebook/traumaanddissociation
a very useful compilation of resources..